Each student, including school-based enrolments, receives a formal report at the completion of Semesters 1 and 2.
Prep to Year 6
A student folio is used to monitor and assess each student as part of the learning and teaching process. Information is gathered from scheduled assessment tasks, interaction during online lessons and other opportunities for interaction to make valid and informed decisions relating to student's progress, achievements, efforts and behaviour. Student work is moderated by teachers across the year levels to achieve consistency of achievement levels issued.
Years 7 to 12
Assessment in Years 7–12 is focused on providing parent/caregivers with meaningful information relating to the achievement of their child in each of the subject areas being undertaken. An assessment of effort and behaviour is also provided.
The A–E five point scale is used (except for VET subjects). Moderation of student work occurs at all year levels to ensure comparability of assessments.
| Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a very high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
| Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
| Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a sound level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
| Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a limited knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
| Evidence in a student's work typically demonstrates a very limited knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of processes.
| If a student receives an N, it means that insufficient evidence has been obtained to be able to make a valid assessment of their achievement.
VET subjects are reported as Working Towards Competency (WTC) until the student achieves the final qualification.