Online lessons
At BrisbaneSDE, learning is delivered through online lessons. These lessons occur as part of a regular timetabled school day. Students are expected to attend all online lessons. Online lessons are delivered via a web conferencing platform and require internet access.
It is the practice of BrisbaneSDE to make recordings of online lessons across all year levels and subject areas. These recordings remain available for a limited period after the completion of the lesson so that they can be accessed by students who are unable to participate in the scheduled lesson due to illness or for students who wish to review the lesson for revision purposes. Access to the recorded lesson is available to students via the Learning Management System. This access is restricted to BrisbaneSDE students and is password protected. All recordings are made in accordance with the Department of Education (DoE) regulations.
When do students attend their online lessons?
Prep to Year 6
Students are expected to attend school each day and will follow a weekly timetable. Students will be advised of their scheduled lesson timetable by their class teacher/s.
Years 7 to 12
Students are expected to be available to participate in all lessons. Students will receive the timetables at the commencement of their enrolment outlining the time allocations to subjects. Further information regarding the time allocation and other essential information can be found in the Subject Guides on the BrisbaneSDE website.
Where does a student do these online lessons?
Students attend their online lessons in an offsite location other than the school.