
Web-based courses and e-learning


Usernames and passwords

On enrolment, all students are issued with a username and password for all Department of Education platforms (MIS email, the Learning Place). This enables them to access online courses, the school Discovery Centre and other learning and support materials.

Online learning

All courses are delivered online. Students have access to instructional materials, learning resources, chat groups, email connections and discussion boards. Teachers and students make use of these online communications and resources as an integral part of the schooling experience. It is important that students have reliable and regular access to the internet as all courses require students to download materials and submit work electronically.

Curriculum materials

Depending on the subjects and courses students select, a range of different curriculum materials and learning resources may be provided to students. All courses are delivered online and all curriculum materials can be accessed online. Some courses contain supplementary printed material which will be provided. Online learning materials may be supplemented with a range of other materials including (but not limited to) CDs, DVDs, text books, magazines, novels, plays and newspapers.

Using the internet

The use of the internet as a learning tool underpins the learning programs used in this school. Like any community based resource, there are responsibilities parents and students must be aware of when using the internet. Parents and home-based supervisors are encouraged to

  • ensure students are aware of the risks and benefits associated with the use of internet services and the measures within the home to minimise these risks
  • develop intranet, internet and email usage guidelines
  • prepare students to cope with unanticipated access to materials or people that may pose a risk.

As part of the school's enrolment agreement, parents/carers also acknowledge the following:

  • the internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences
  • the internet gives access to information on computers around the world
  • the school cannot control what is on those computers
  • a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.

Teachers will always exercise their duty of care. Protection against exposure to harmful information should depend finally upon responsible use by students. Students using the internet irresponsibly will be subject to appropriate action by the school. Please refer to the BrisbaneSDE Responsible Behaviour plan for all students. Consequences for breach of rules relating to internet and email usage may include loss of internet access on the school's computers when onsite at BrisbaneSDE and suspension from attending online lessons or exclusion from the school.

Electronic submission of school work

There is the facility for the electronic return of work using email, OneDrive, OneNote, the Learning Place or the Learning Management System. However, before electronically submitting work, it is recommended that students check with their teacher/s to determine the suitability of electronic work return for that particular subject. Some subjects and/or tasks within subjects are better suited to electronic work return than others.

Electronic submission of work is through the relevant Learning Management System subject course (for example, Digital Dropbox, Wiki upload, assignment upload), teacher OneDrive, teacher email or class OneNote by the date as stated on the work rate calendar.

When returning work electronically, students need to ensure a copy of the work is saved on their computer and USB storage device at least until after a result for the work has been received. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they have preserved copies of all work transmitted in the event of a transmission error occurring and take a screen shot of any error to prove that submission was actually attempted.

Please refer to the assessment policy

Digital documents

Recommended formats for digital documents may include one of the following formats. Students are to check with their teacher for appropriate format prior to due date of submission of school work.

  • .doc or .docx — Word document
  • .html — web page
  • .xls or .xlsx — Excel spreadsheet
  • .pdf — Adobe Acrobat format
  • .ppt or .pptx — PowerPoint

Download your free Microsoft 365: Note: Enrolled students will need to log in using their EQ email and password.

Audio files

Audio work will be accepted in the following formats:

  • .mp3 digital format
  • .wav
  • in a format that can be opened in Windows Media Player.

Visual files or scanned images

Images are to be in one of the following formats:

  • .jpg — jpeg (preferably)
  • .gif (are also accepted but sometimes can be large)
  • .bmp (are also accepted but can be too large)
  • .avi — video
  • .mpeg — video
  • .wmv — video
  • .mp4 — video

Video files must be in mp4 format with the following minimum settings:

  • 150 kbps or greater; or
  • display size 320 x 240.

Video files may be sent to the school in CD-Rom, DVD or on a flash drive/USB drive if they are too large to upload. Please label these with the student's name.

If a submission is made but the attachment is blank or unable to be opened, it will not be accepted as being submitted by the due date. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the document is attached and is in a readable format.

Student email addresses for communication

All enrolled students will use an official Department of Education (DoE) webmail address for communication with the school, for example, This address will be provided following enrolment. BrisbaneSDE staff will only communicate to the student's DoE email address. Students must conform to the acceptable use of email. DoE email addresses can be monitored and retrieved if required. Using the DoE email address also allows the school to provide password resets as required.

Last reviewed 02 December 2024
Last updated 02 December 2024