Work Rate Calendars (WRC) are issued for each subject. These calendars provide a work schedule for students which, if met, will ensure that the student is working at a satisfactory rate. A WRC allows students to track where they should be up to and when.
Please note: WRCs reflect both semesters. Scroll down in each document until you find the term required.
Please note: Prep-Year 6 students will receive their individual class schedules for all subjects from their teachers.
Visual Art
Certificate I in Workplace Skills
Certificate II in Financial Services
Year 11 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
Year 11 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
Year 11 and 12 Certificate II in Community Services
Year 12 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
Year 12 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
Year 12 Certificate III in School Based Education Support
Year 10 Short Course Literacy